I so often write about recipes, but since this post isn’t a true “recipe” per se, I wanted to share some fun facts about me. For my new followers, I'm Lauren and I am the blogger behind Run to the Table. This holiday dessert board is an added bonus!

These are a few of my favorite things!
In no particular order, here are 10 things I am obsessed with right now and my reasoning:
1. Dry cereal –
This has been my favorite snack lately. I really don’t buy cereal often, but I was introduced to Honey Nut Chex recently. It is like homemade sweet Chex with zero work. I ate an entire box in less than a week. No shame. Believe it or not, there is actually cereal featured on this holiday dessert board.
2. Running –
I am currently 89.5 miles into a running challenge that started about two and a half weeks ago. I have 160.5 miles to complete within the next 5 weeks. Yesterday, I ran 10 miles in a 1:16:10, which averages out to a 7:37 pace. I am so proud of my speed, endurance, and mental toughness!
3. Charcuterie –
I love snacking, so it’s only natural that I love charcuterie. I don’t actually like cured meats that are common on charcuterie boards, but I love the versality that charcuterie allows. They can be extravagant, simple, sweet, savory, or both! My FIL is currently selling custom charcuterie boards that he made. If you are interested in seeing his inventory, send me a message and I’ll give you his info! I can be emailed at mitch8blog@gmail.com.
4. Target Drive-Up –
If you don’t use the Target Circle app, you are really missing out. Not only can you save tons of money on things you don’t actually need, there are so many deals to earn money back or in gift cards on things you do need. Think food, household essentials, baby stuff/diapers, etc. With Target Drive-Up, you can stay in the comfort of your own car and save lots of time!
5. Comfy Clothes –
Since becoming a stay-at-home mom, my business casual wardrobe has been replaced with the best comfy clothes. Mitchy loves me no matter how I look…bless him!
6. "Acoustic Favorites" Playlist on Spotify –
Fellow Spotify fans, this playlist is SO good. It has a wide array of songs, but they are all acoustic and beautiful. I usually have it playing when working on the blog, baking, or shooting food photography.
7. Nuts –
Nuts are a nutritional powerhouse [think healthy fats, fiber, protein, and vitamins/minerals] and perfect for snacking! With all of the running I’ve been doing lately, I need snacks that are fast and nourishing. I have really been eating a lot of cashews, almonds, pecans, and pistachios. I eat a lot of PB too!
8. Sourdough –
My sourdough starter Marty continues to thrive and make beautiful loaves of bread. My latest creation was a semi whole wheat loaf studded with almonds and cranberries. I scored a cute little Christmas tree and snowflakes on top. I will be sharing a photo on my Instagram soon!
9. Coffee –
Aside from water and sparkling water, coffee has been my drink of choice in 2020! I don’t need the caffeine and honestly drink decaf about half the time. I just love a warm cup of coffee that much, especially when I’m a bit chilled after a run!
10. Succulents –
I have an antique plant stand from my mom that is filled with pots of succulents and jade plants. I also have a money tree, orchid, and a Norfolk Island pine tree. They really brighten up the space and require minimal care. Sometimes the simple things in life can bring the most joy!
As I noted above, I really love charcuterie. I decided that a dessert board would be such a fun idea for the holidays! You can really use whatever you like, but I decided to include desserts and nuts. You know, for the sweet and salty combo! Personally, this is my plan for our small Christmas gathering. I have included the ingredients that I used, but feel free to customize and make it your own! Not everything is homemade, which is a great time saver if you have a hectic schedule!
I also linked the recipes to the cookies below!

Holiday Dessert Board
- Candy Cane Kisses
- Chocolate Salted Caramel Cookies
- Mini Nutter Butter Cookies
- Pretzel Thins
- Honey Nut Chex Cereal
- Turtle Cookies
- Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt Caramel Dove Chocolate Squares
- Raw Almonds
- Chocolate Peppermint Kiss Cookies
- Checkerboard Cookies
- Pecans
- Roasted and Salted Cashews
- Holiday M&Ms

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