Though my blogging has been limited the past several months, I promise I have been working on something really amazing.

That "amazing" thing just so happens to be ME (and my kids, of course)! I took some time earlier this year to really think about my priorities and running made the most sense. Blogging plus food photography is still a passion. However, it was pretty much impossible for me to manage while chasing after 2 little ones during the day the past 6 months or so. I am not at all complaining, but it is the reality. Don't worry though--more recipes will be back in 2023!
What have I been working on?
There really are two major things I've been working on.
- The first is my running, and this past year has really been incredible for me. I'll share everything below!
- Diving head first into projects at our Iowa House during our visits. If you want to read about our little house we purchased back in May, you can find it here. We are so fortunate for the help of my family, especially my parents and siblings!
Now, back to running. I linked my original below, but I have also summarized them here also. Special thanks to my hubby Rob for all of his help with the kids. Racing and weekend long runs with friends would not be possible without his support!
Progress on my running goals in 2022:
1. Run at least 3 half marathons - if counting official races, I completed two halves back in May. However, I ended up running two marathons instead, so I'd say I went above and beyond this goal!
2. Set a new half marathon personal record (PR) - my previous half marathon PR was 1:39:37 and was about 10 years old. I am thrilled to share that I crushed that goal by running a 1:38:02 in the Great Western Half Marathon in May. I also snagged the honor of being first place female overall!

3. Run 400 miles total during the Coach's Oats Challenge from March 5 to July 5 - I failed this goal, but here's why. I started having some knee pain, and it scared me. I backed off running for about a week and realized running challenges just for the sake of logging miles isn't worth risking injury. This took restraint, but I am proud that I listened to my body and have been pain-free since!
4. Run a sub-6 minute mile - I haven't even completed a 1 mile time trial yet this year. My summer was consumed with marathon training, so this goal completely went on the back-burner. I still have a month, so I better go for it! If I do not succeed, I have all of next year. That's the nice thing about running.
5. Have fun and spend more time exploring new trails - I am ALWAYS having fun when I run. I've probably ran over a thousand miles this year already and many have been with the kids in the double stroller. I also document all of my running on TikTok, which it keeps me accountable. I have made many new inspiring friends on there (and I've even met Mindy, Billy, and Mark in person)!
6. Tentative goal was to run a fall marathon - Of course I went ahead and signed up for one thanks to a little persuasion from my running bestie! The marathon was on September 10th, and the weather was BRUTALLY warm. I finished in 3:50:07, which was 20 minutes off my goal time. For redemption, I signed up for the IMT Des Moines Marathon and came in at a 3:37:00. This was amazing for me, especially on a hilly course. Next year, I have my sights on a sub-3:30 to set a new PR and also Boston Qualify. It is certainly possible!

A Few Last Things
I decided to post this in hopes of motivating even just one person on their running journey. It is remarkable to see how much I have accomplished through running, and you could too. You never know unless you try. Those who run...they get it.

If you ever want to run a race with me, let me know by leaving a comment or messaging me. Be sure to follow me on TikTok too.
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