Today I celebrate a strange anniversary. Exactly one year ago, I was admitted into the ICU after a CT scan revealed the unthinkable – a blood clot in my brain. It’s an eerie feeling thinking about that day, and I feel emotional even writing this post. Nonetheless, so much good has come about as I reflect on my blood clot anniversary.

The Backstory of My Blood Clot
You can read the full backstory here.
At the time, I was experiencing excruciating head pain and had been for 3 days. Despite the fact that I was somewhat delirious, I vividly remember hearing the words, “you have a blood clot in your brain.” As I was admitted in the ER, I remember crying and feeling overcome with terror and helplessness. Fortunately, Rob was by my side supporting me the entire time and kept his composure. I don’t know what I would have done without my sweet husband. After the initial shock factor, learning that surgery wasn’t required also brought significant relief.

Other than follow-up appointments, 7 months of blood thinners, and occasional headaches, my life pretty much resumed to normal. Despite the cons, this silly blood clot has changed me for the better.

How My Life Has Changed
I’ve been a happier and more empathetic person as a result of this experience. I am even more grateful for my health and the overwhelming support I received from family and friends. While I was in the hospital, several doctors told me I was incredibly lucky with the outcome of this situation. The harsh reality is that I could have died or suffered a stroke resulting in serious complications. But I didn’t, and for that I feel so blessed.

Fast forward to the one year blood clot anniversary, and so many wonderful memories have been made. I completed my 2 toughest marathons to-date (one because of hills and the other because of high heat). Rob and I recently purchased a new house and have a pending offer on our current house. I will be posting about this soon! I will also be starting grad school in the fall! There are still many unknowns, including the root cause and long-term consequences, but I intend to continue to live my best life. With that, here are some wise words I try to live by:
- Push limits.
- Never underestimate yourself.
- Forgive more.
- Worry less.
- Spend time outside.
- Nourish your body.
- Be kind.
- Celebrate often.
- Do what makes you happy.
- Most importantly, love more.

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